

Proven Ways To Persuade A Hyper-Skeptical Audience (And Boost Conversions)

In the age of information and endless Google searches, it’s sometimes scary to sell a product.

  • Readers have more information at their fingertips than ever before.
  • They can research you and your product with the click of a button.
  • They might read a random article about your product or service and have some misconceptions about your offer.

For this reason, many readers can be hyper-skeptical as they look through copy. 

It can be frustrating to feel like readers don’t trust you. It’s tricky to convince skeptics that you know your stuff.

Readers will always have concerns and reservations. Your job is to see those hesitations ahead of time and put them to rest.

Here’s where great copy comes in. Clear language and intentions can help you conquer a hyper-skeptical audience. You can sell your product or service with both charm and intelligence when you’re clear. 

Let’s look at some tools to help you write to those hyper-skeptical readers who won’t budge. You can combine these techniques or use them on their own. These strategies will help you write copy that soothes your readers’ anxieties. So here are some proven ways to persuade a hyper-skeptical audience (and boost conversions).


Copywriting Strategy #1: Feel It Out

Proven ways to persuade a hyper-skeptical audience (and boost conversions)

This might sound obvious, but your reader is a person. Like you, they’re a human with feelings and motives, frustrations, and fears. No matter how much they care about cold, hard facts, they also have emotions and values to uphold.

Use that to your advantage. You have a unique opportunity to use words to build a relational experience with your reader. 

Readers won’t want to take in boring or dry information. Instead, they want copy that they can understand and relate to. Create a relationship with your reader. Use a narrative to show them that you understand their problems, fears, and frustrations. 

That’s easier said than done. After all, nothing is harder than getting yourself off to a solid start. 

One easy way to begin is with a problem. 

Treat your reader like the main character in a novel. Think about the main problem your reader faces. How do they feel when they deal with this problem? Are they sad? Frustrated? Angry? What’s important to them? What result do they want to achieve? 

Understanding your reader and their feelings helps you figure out the right angles.

Next, think about how your product fits into their story. How does it relate to the problem? Does it help them get a job done? Does it help them sell their product or service? Make them feel better?

It’s not only about conveying that you understand the reader. You need to craft an experience or narrative. This helps readers imagine how their problems might play out in real life. 

You can use tools like sensory descriptions and visual signals to show readers that you get them.

If readers sense that you understand them, they’ll be more willing to trust you and listen to your pitch.

Decision-making is a logical process, but it’s also an emotional one. Readers want to pursue a product or service that makes them feel good. 

There will always be competition. But an emotional connection with readers has the potential to give you an edge. Your job is to explain why your solution is the best for this reader’s particular problem.

These are the 18 ways to trigger emotions in your copy.


Be Real

Even though you want to market your solution as the best, there’s no need to market it as the solution to every problem. You might do more harm than good if you try to present your product or service as the ultimate solution. 

It’s tempting to make your product or service seem perfect, but you want to be careful not to overstep. Your only job here is to make sure that the reader’s particular objections get addressed.

For example, let’s say you’re selling bananas. You could imagine your readers struggle with feeling hungry in the morning. Or, making breakfast in the morning takes them too long, so they’re always late for class. You could market your banana as a solution to these problems.

But what if your reader’s sink leaked all over the kitchen floor? What if they’ve had trouble launching their law career? A banana might not be helpful in those situations. 

So, to make the clearest, most impactful argument, you want to be specific. Make sure you only pitch your product or service as a solution to a particular problem. This way, readers can see a direct connection between their problem and your solution. 

Proven ways to persuade a hyper-skeptical audience (and boost conversions)

It’s An Experience

You can appeal to the reader’s sense of time to stay specific while addressing many problems. Sell time, rather than money. It’s a lifesaver when conquering hyper-skeptical audiences. 

Readers love the idea of an improved or more authentic experience of the world. So rather than selling a product’s cheapness, you can market it as a way to expand the reader’s reality.

Write to show that you understand readers’ values and what they want for their lives. Of course, to do this, you need to know your audience. You need to know what they value and what kinds of experiences they desire.



Readers are skeptical because they can’t imagine how they’d use your product or service. Techniques like modeling can help you locate or orient the reader.

Modeling involves an imaginary situation. This creates a scenario where readers find your product or service useful. It helps readers imagine how your product or service would fit into their daily lives.

For example, your copy could paint a picture of how your reader is anxious because they woke up late. This means that they won’t have enough time to get ready for class and eat breakfast. 

Here’s where you’d want to introduce your banana. You could narrate a situation in which the reader grabs a banana as they’re flying out the door. They’re able to eat something delicious on the go and still make it to class on time. 

Modeling mirrors real life so it can expose the shortcomings of your product or service. 

Being honest about the benefits of your product doesn’t demand perfection. But if you’re honest with readers about drawbacks, they might trust you more about benefits. 

Being real with readers is key. You want to be careful about the delicate balance of marketing and authenticity. You can (and should) make readers aware of the benefits of your product or service.

But make sure you’re still honest. If you oversell your product, you might end up with unhappy customers and lose business for good. 


Copywriting Strategy #2: Watch Your Language

Proven ways to persuade a hyper-skeptical audience (and boost conversions)

Your words have the power to sell your product or service.

Clear language helps readers understand exactly what you’ve got to offer. If they understand what your product or service is, they’re more likely to want it.

Your position behind the copy lets you build a narrative that shows readers that you’ve got what they want. And clear language can make that narrative all the more powerful. 

This is your chance to show your readers that you’ve done your homework. You understand them. You know what kinds of problems they face, what kinds of emotions they feel, and what kinds of solutions they need.

After all, a narrative sells not only a storyline but also an experience. You can use these copywriting strategies to help readers touch, taste, see, smell, hear, and feel the scenario that you craft. 

Our copywriting strategies will improve your pitches by focusing on clarity and engagement. They range from single words that you can insert to pack an extra punch, to detailed approaches that call for more careful plans. 

But they’re all aimed at creating the greatest possible engagement with your reader. You’ll want to think hard about what will make the most sense to your reader. What would they respond to most strongly?

And don’t be afraid to experiment with new techniques either. There’s nothing wrong with thinking outside the box and trying something new. You might stumble across a way to take your copywriting up a notch.


Sensory Descriptions

Sensory descriptions are powerful tools that help you construct engaging, emotional narratives. Sensory words help readers understand what it would feel like to use your product or service.

Readers engage more with a story that appeals to their senses of smell, taste, touch, sight, and hearing. Sensory details help the reader understand why your product or service is necessary.

Sensory descriptions are most useful when you present the reader with a problem. 

To follow up with our earlier banana example, details like the echo of an empty stomach in the middle of a lecture hall can make the problem more tangible and accessible. Readers can see the value of your offer when they imagine themselves in these situations.

That’s not all sensory descriptions can do. They’re also helpful tools that show readers the benefits of your product or service.

You can use sensory descriptions to show how it feels to use your product or service to solve a problem. You can give them a taste of the triumph or satisfaction they might feel. It’s a victory they would only ever feel if they use your product. 

Sensory descriptions help readers engage with your narrative from the start. It gives readers a clear sense of their problem. It also gives them a chance to feel the satisfaction they might gain from using your product or service. 


Show, Don’t Tell 

Your product or service isn’t inanimate — it does something. Even if it’s an object, it creates positive results for your reader. 

Instead of endless adjectives, use action words to show how awesome and exciting it is. Words like "awesome" or "exciting" can seem emphatic, but don't always add impact to your copy. 

When we say “action words,” what we mean is verbs. Verbs communicate an action taken by a subject over an object. Action verbs give readers a window to watch the subject interact with objects. Adjectives only describe the subject further.

Adjectives are repetitive and can make your writing bulky. Instead, use more precise verbs to convey your point. Verbs convey more action and make your sentences feel more dynamic. 

You might need to be a little more adventurous and specific with the verbs you choose. If you’ve run out of ideas, an online thesaurus can help you amp up your vocabulary. Sometimes, a new verb can breathe new life into your copy.

Unique but precise verbs can go a long way to show readers how valuable your product or service is. They emphasize the positive potential of your product or service for all your readers to see. 

They can also help you convey positive results that might come from your product or service. Readers use verbs to gain front-row seats to watch the action happen. 

Precise verbs aren’t only a test of your vocabulary. They help readers to imagine your product or service in action.


Address The Reader

Let’s be real. Readers love being the center of attention. They love seeing themselves and their lives reflected in stories. They want to see themselves as the main character in the story that you’re writing. 

More than that, they want to think you wrote your copy for them only. They want to know that it relates to their lives and fulfills their individual needs. They want to feel understood and known in your copy. 

They don’t want to read your copy. They want to be a part of it.

By addressing the reader as “you,” you make them feel special and unique. You’re speaking to the reader as an individual, not as a vague part of a large group. 

When you address your reader, you invite them to take part in the narrative. This way, they feel engaged and included in your pitch.

Even an address as simple as “Are you hungry?” instantly engages readers and makes them feel like the copy speaks right to them. 

Readers who feel like they’re part of your narrative will feel empowered. They’ll believe the narrative hinges on their actions. Engaged readers are more likely to take action because they have a clear view of their role in the story.

If you’re feeling adventurous, use powerful verbs with a direct address to the reader. Together, they help readers imagine themselves in action with your product or service. This gives you the chance to extend a clear invitation to the reader to act. 

Here's a complete storytelling guide you can use to improve your copy.

Proven ways to persuade a hyper-skeptical audience (and boost conversions)

The Magic Words

Speaking of powerful words, some captivate readers more than others. You can sprinkle these into your copy at your discretion to take your copy to the next level. 

If used too often, your copy might begin to feel a bit inauthentic. But they can also add a bit of extra oomph to your copy. So, use your best judgment about when you use these particular terms. 



Anything that’s “free” almost always grabs readers’ attention. After all, who turns down anything free?

The word “free” makes readers feel like they’ve snagged the greatest benefit here. They’re getting something valuable at no cost. What could be better than “Free bananas”?

Free resources or other benefits draw readers’ attention. Once you have their attention, you can insert the benefits of your product or service. 

Readers feel like winners when they see the opportunity to get something free.



“Because” is a great way to give yourself a chance to explain any logic or reasoning that supports your pitch. It helps readers feel like they understand your ideas. When they understand your pitch and its logic, they’ll be more willing to buy your product or service.

You can also use “because” to frame your narrative as a logical progression. It would start with a problem. But because of the problem, your reader feels frustrated. And because of their frustration, they use your product or service. And because of the results from your product or service, they’re happy.

“Because” isn’t only a word that holds a jumble of ideas together. It allows you to lead your reader through a narrative. A story that builds with clear progression and ends with your product or service. 

 With our banana example, you might want to show the audience that they need a nutritious, delicious breakfast like a banana. They need this because their busy schedule demands plenty of energy. 

This method allows you to highlight your product's benefits and make logical connections to your reader's needs. 



When the world is at your fingertips, the promise of an instant reward is a major motivation. Instincts lead your readers toward the fastest result.

So, instant gratification can give you an edge over your competitors. The promise of a speedy result can persuade readers to buy your product or service. 

For example, let’s say your reader has been complaining of muscle cramps. You can assure them that the potassium in bananas will get rid of those aches and pains instantly.

But make sure you’re ready to deliver. If you promise instant results, you need to make sure you can fulfill that promise. If you can deliver fast and reliable service, you can bet those readers will be back as customers. 



Readers love novelty. It keeps them on their toes and communicates a tone of positivity and hope. Readers usually understand anything “new” as exciting or innovative. Position your product or service as new to help it feel fresh and adventurous. 

With our ongoing banana example, you could position bananas as part of a “new morning ritual” for your readers. They’ll love the idea of having a set routine that involves something different and exciting. 

But be cautious. Newness is a double-edged sword. Customers view products with positive connotations when they’re marketed as new. 

When it comes to brands, though, customers seek out more establishment. They’ll want to know that your brand has tried and true experience. Instead of fresh and exciting, customers will want something reliable and sturdy.

So, even though “new” is a powerful term, you might want to be careful of how customers will understand it. 


Crystal Clear Copy

All readers want is a clear vision of your offer and how it makes their lives better. Make your goal and intentions the most important part of your copy.

Every word should point readers to your primary intention — a sale. This might mean you need to go back and edit your copy for any potential confusion. 

Cutting out unnecessary words can be a difficult task, but it works. Keeping it simple prevents readers from getting confused or lost in your pitch. You make your pitch stronger when you take out any words that might distract readers. 

This way, readers won’t need to study your copy to understand what you’re getting at. Clear language and thoughtful illustrations make your point as obvious as possible.

Learn about the 9 strategies to improve clarity in your copy here.


Persuade The Skeptics

Proven ways to persuade a hyper-skeptical audience (and boost conversions)

With these tools, your readers’ online research skills are no match for you. You’ll know how to make yourself clear, especially to skeptical readers. You’ll be able to understand their frustrations and fears and expect their concerns. 

Once you predict their reservations, you can immediately address them from every angle. 

You’ll know how to craft an engaging narrative that features your product or service. You can use sensory descriptions to help readers feel like they’re right there with you. Your story will allow readers to imagine themselves as the main character. 

You’ll know how to use verbs that put the power and value of your product on full display by showing action. Instead of relying on adjectives, you can show readers how your product or service can go to work for them. 

When readers feel seen and heard, they’ll trust you more when you say that you have the perfect solution to their problem. 

So, try these tools to show skeptical readers that you understand them. You’ll be amazed at the positive results. 


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About Daniel Doan

Daniel is a proven Neuro-Response copywriter with over a decade of expertise bridging the gap between what your company wants to say and what your customers actually want to read.

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