

5 Sassy SaaS Copywriting Strategies You Should Be Using To Drive More On-Page Conversions

If you’re a SaaS provider, there's a big chance your copy is hurting you more than it’s helping you.

Why? Well, SaaS brands can struggle with finding a unique, coherent voice. 

You might’ve already noticed this.

  • Your copy sounds identical to your competitors’.
  • It tells all the facts, but in a way that makes you seem robotic and dull. 
  • Your copy might be interesting but disjointed.

There were lots of different minds working on it, and it shows. It’s a patchwork of different tones, senses of humor, and ideas. 

That’s ok as long as it’s memorable, right? Wrong. When a customer is looking for SaaS companies, it’s like a magic trick — “Pick a card, any card.” If your brand doesn’t have a unique and coherent voice, you risk getting lost in the shuffle. That means your potential customers could pull someone else’s card from the deck. 

The good news is that you don’t have to be a magician to stand out. This article will give you five sassy SaaS copywriting strategies for finding your brand’s voice and making it pop. A strong voice like that converts with little effort. Here’s how you can boost conversions without needing a wand and top hat (or even a deck of cards).


Sassy SaaS Copywriting Strategy You Should Be Using To Drive More On-Page Conversions #1: Find Your Voice

5 sassy saas copywriting strategies you should be using

If you want a voice that pops, you’ll need a voice of your own. That means the first step is finding your voice. 

Finding your voice can feel like an overwhelming task. For one thing, the term feels vague. What is a “voice”? How do you know when you have the right one? 

The right voice depends on your target audience. Here’s an example. GroupMe and Slack are both instant messaging platforms. They do the same thing, but do you think of them in the same way? Most likely not.

They have different voices because they have different audiences.

On their landing page, GroupMe says it’s “The best way to chat with everyone you know.” They want people to use it to connect with family and friends. 

Slack says it’s “Where work happens.” Slack wants you to use it to lead your team at work. 


How To Find Your Voice

So how do you find your voice? Well, you’ll need to ask yourself two main questions. 

First, who is your audience? If you haven’t built a client persona, you’re missing out. If you have, this is a great place to use it.

For example, if you know that your audience has a great sense of humor, incorporate that. If you know they care about facts, incorporate that. Use your client persona, so your voice resonates with your customers.

Second, what are you like in real life? No one wants to pretend to be something they aren’t all the time. You don’t want your clients to perceive you as inauthentic, either. 

So if you’re dorky, be dorky. (For instance, you could build your brand around bananas.) If you’re outgoing, be outgoing. If you love numbers, use numbers. Find positive traits about yourself from real life and make them work for you. 

The last step is to find out where those two connect, and you have your voice.


Why It Works

When you have that connection point, you’re well on your way to excellent copy. If you want to write great copy, you need to see where you fall short. Having an idea of your brand’s voice helps you measure the quality of your copy.

Your voice makes for high-quality copy because of how clients view copy with a voice. They want to feel like they know you, and having a brand voice humanizes you. Your readers feel a sense of relief because they can tell it’s a real live person writing. 

Your customers will like reading copy that feels like a person, but that’s not all. They’ll remember it. Rather than being another SaaS company in a sea of them, you’ll be the SaaS company with a unique voice. 

If they can remember that about your copy, they’ll have a way to find your brand. A way to find your brand means your conversions will start going up.

Learn how to make your copywriting resonate better with your ideal customers in this article.


Sassy SaaS Copywriting Strategy You Should Be Using To Drive More On-Page Conversions #2: Tell Your Story

5 sassy saas copywriting strategies you should be using to drive more on-page conversions

So you have your voice. Now what? Now, you tell your story.

Start with telling the story of how you got into SaaS in the first place. Was it a lifelong dream? Was it a career change? You might have encountered a problem and thought, “I could do it better than this!” Whatever it is, share it with your customers in your voice. 

A word of warning — beginners often mess this step up. Your story should not be about how great you are. Read that one more time. If your story is about how you’re smart and cool and interesting, your conversions will tank. 

Your customers are coming to you to solve a problem, not to learn about you. This is even true on an “About Me” page. It’s not about you. No copy is. Customers go to an “About Me” section to make sure they trust you. 

How do you get them to trust you? You show them you know what they’re going through. Your story needs to be customer-focused 100% of the time. 


How To Tell Your Story

So you want a customer-focused story in your brand’s voice. Start by telling your story like you’re telling it to a friend. Don’t worry too much about being customer-focused in the first draft. When you’re writing the first draft, focus on sticking with your brand’s voice. 

Once you have your story written up, edit it to be customer-focused. A great place to start is to change all the “I” and “me” language to be “you” and “we” language. Here’s an example:

“Well, I started Banana Findr because I’ve been in the banana business for a while now and noticed a total lack of banana organization software.”

Change that up, and it looks like this:

“You’ve looked everywhere for banana organization software and can’t find a thing. We’ve all been there. We created Banana Findr to solve that problem.”

You can’t only search for the word “I” and replace it with “you.” You’ll have to do some reorganization. The good news is, this method of writing and then editing will help your voice pop. 

5 sassy saas copywriting strategies you should be using to drive more on-page conversions

Why It Works

Your voice pops using this method because of that first draft. When you write like you’re speaking to a friend, your writing feels relaxed. You aren’t worried about sounding like a “business.” You aren’t concerned with conversions. Your focus is the story.

Even when editing, that relaxed, personal quality sticks around. It keeps your customer-focused story from feeling salesy. Instead, it feels empathetic. You’re using “you” language instead of “I” language, but you’re giving the message, “We’re in this together.”

Remember how having your voice makes readers see you as a person? Telling a story in your voice amplifies that. It converts without effort. Why? People like to feel connected but love stories. 

We can’t help it. Humans connect with stories. That’s why the best copywriting communicates information through stories. When it comes to developing your brand’s voice, the best story to tell is your own. 

Know how to build credibility and trust with your customers with these copywriting strategies.


Sassy SaaS Copywriting Strategy You Should Be Using To Drive More On-Page Conversions #3: Get Your Team On Board

5 sassy saas copywriting strategies you should be using to drive more on-page conversions

So you have your voice and your story down pat. Unfortunately, you aren’t the only person on your team. Your copy will run into the same old problems if your team isn’t up-to-speed. You’ll still have people putting their ideas and voices into the copy. It could end up bland or jumbled. 

You might end up in the same place you started. That’s why the next step is to get your team on board. 

Having a unified team doesn’t only make a difference in your copy. It makes a difference in your customer service and your product, and even your company’s work culture. Unifying your team means communicating a common goal. 

A common goal means that everyone, from the CEO to the summer intern, has a touchpoint. That touchpoint means your customers will see you as an actual team, not a bunch of people who work at the same place. It makes your brand’s voice pop and drives conversions because there’s no more fighting to get your ideas in.

There’s only one Big Idea. 


How To Get Your Team On Board

Since the end goal is personalization and teamwork, an email isn’t going to cut it. Neither is making people sit through a boring PowerPoint presentation. You need to convince your team that your new voice, story, and big idea are worthwhile. 

Sounds kind of familiar, right? It should. You’re pitching to your team, getting them to buy into a unified voice. So when you’re getting your team on board, tell them your story in a dynamic way. 

Excitement is infectious, so get excited about your story. If it takes going from cubicle to cubicle or scheduling a hundred meetings, do it. Keep in mind, you want to communicate your story in a smoother way. 

Get creative and be confident. Unifying your team around a voice is going to boost their morale and boost conversions, too.


Why It Works

When your team’s on board, you present a united front to your customers. They have a consistent experience through the whole funnel. From the time they first see an ad all the way to a customer service interaction, they know what to expect. 

Knowing what to expect gives your customers security. It builds trust because they won’t get any surprises down the line. This makes them confident you’re there to help. 

Your team is more confident, too. They know their goals. It’s easier for you to give them feedback since you understand how their work should look and sound. 

You can’t do everything all the time. When your team has unity, they strengthen your brand’s voice. A strong voice pops off the page. A voice that pops contributes to a better conversion rate. 


Sassy SaaS Copywriting Strategy You Should Be Using To Drive More On-Page Conversions #4: Keep It Simple

5 sassy saas copywriting strategies you should be using to drive more on-page conversions

This one is a reminder of copywriting basics. What are the basics? Check your grammar. Use clear sentences, and don’t be too wordy. Find a balance of jargon that’s appropriate to your brand. 

There are loads of resources on grammar, so let’s focus on the other problems.

The most important is balance. Your audience isn’t stupid. Over-simplifying and talking down to them will get you nowhere. On the flipside, using too many big words or jargon makes your writing a lot of work to read.

Let’s say you were writing to nutritionists about bananas. Something like this would insult them:

Bananas are a good snack for anyone. They’re high in nutrients, which are things your body needs to be healthy. Bananas are high in carbohydrates which give your body lots of energy. Bananas are a better snack than potato chips because of their nutrients and carbs.

Whereas something like this is a headache:

Cavendish bananas are a premier refreshment for all. They're berries, meaning they’re an essential part of balanced dietary choices. They provide 33% of the RDI for Vitamin B6, and their GI value is 60. 

An ordinary person will scratch their head at this. Even a nutritionist would have to sort through that info. That’s why your copy needs to strike a balance.


How To Keep It Simple

An excellent start to striking a balance is, again, to write in a natural way. Write like you’re speaking to a friend or colleague and go from there. This is another excellent place to use your buyer persona. That persona will help you be more critical of your writing. 

Would this persona know these words? If not, is there a more straightforward way to communicate the idea? You can use a checking tool like Hemingway to make sure your sentences aren’t too complex. 

Would they feel you’re talking down to them? If so, what can you leave out or change? Read your writing aloud to make sure it flows. 

You can also do an exercise to keep yourself from getting too wordy. Write your copy, and then cut the word count in half. Try to communicate the same thing in half the words. Then do it again and again until you can’t keep going. 

In this exercise, you might find a draft you like better than the first one. The point is to help give you a sense of which words are essential and which ones are fluff. Cut the fluff so your audience hears your voice. 

Learn how to improve clarity in your copy here.


Why It Works

When your audience can hear your voice, there’s no confusion. They don’t feel like you’re condescending. They also won’t stop reading your copy because it’s too difficult. Your customers are coming to you because they already have a problem, don’t create another one. 

Instead, be bold and straightforward. It communicates confidence and expertise. This builds trust. You’re not someone trying to take advantage of them. You’re clear and helpful. 

Once you have simplicity down, double-check. Bad grammar looks unprofessional. You want to make sure your customers know you’ll take care of the little stuff for them. That means taking care of your own “little stuff” to start. 

The little stuff like grammar and word count can muffle your brand’s voice. Get it out of the way so your voice can pop. 


Sassy SaaS Copywriting Strategy You Should Be Using To Drive More On-Page Conversions #5: Think Outside The Box

5 sassy saas copywriting strategies you should be using to drive more on-page conversions

The last step to getting your copy to convert is to add some pizzazz. Think outside the box. You have your voice and your story. Your team is on board, and you’ve taken care of the small stuff. 

Now, how can you communicate all that in a unique way? 

Don’t worry, you don’t have to reinvent the wheel here. The important thing is to stand out. Take a look at what all your competitors are doing with their copy. Then do anything but that. If they focus on stats but neglect storytelling, you should tell a story that includes stats. 

Thinking outside the box means your voice will pack an extra punch. You’ll have a unified voice that’s also unique. You’ll be able to point out problems your competitors aren’t solving. 

Communicate info others miss. Then you can say, “Everyone x, but what about y?” That’ll prompt your customers to ask, “yeah, what about y?” Your conversions will leap when your customers see that you care about filling the gaps.

5 sassy saas copywriting strategies you should be using to drive more on-page conversions

How To Think Outside The Box

So, you’ve done some research on your competition, now what? How do you show all this in a new light?

Get some coffee, get some snacks, get some dry erase markers, and get brainstorming. Aim to come up with 10-20 new ideas for your copy. They don’t have to be good ideas, only ideas. Go bananas.

Write down ideas that seem like divine inspiration ideas that seem like garbage. Write boring ideas and crazy ideas. 

Once you’re done, start separating those ideas into three piles: boring and professional, exciting but unprofessional, and exciting and professional. You’ll likely have a winner in that third pile. In most cases, you won’t find your winning idea on the first try. So, it’s time to edit. Take the boring but professional ideas… and throw them away. 

You want to make an exciting but unprofessional idea into an exciting and professional idea. Boring ideas won’t get you anywhere. 

Here’s an example. For Banana Findr, a boring but professional idea could be: 

“A new software that organizes your bananas for you.”

A boring and unprofessional idea might be a dirty joke or an inside joke.

An exciting and professional idea could take the inside joke and make it accessible. 


Why It Works

When you give your audience that exciting but professional idea, they’ll eat it up. If you don’t, nothing will happen. 

Google “gas stations near me”. Go ahead, take a look and then close the tab. Ok, now without peeking, name one of those gas stations. Unless you’re a die-hard fan of a particular chain, you likely can’t remember a single one.

That’s because they all look the same. All the names sound the same. They all do the same thing, with no distinctions. 

Imagine seeing a gas station called “Purple Polka,” with everything painted bright purple. That’s one you’d remember, particularly if you'd noticed an ad where they had something else as a hook. For instance, they might have given free dance lessons to a monkey for every 100 gallons of gas they sold. 

That’s why you think outside the box. You want to find the angle that makes anyone reading your copy go, “Now that’s the kind of SaaS company I want to do business with.” You stand apart from your competitors (the way those gas stations aren’t).


Convert With Personality

5 sassy saas copywriting strategies you should be using to drive more on-page conversions

Personality makes conversions come flooding in. This has been true in recent years more than ever. Think of services like Kickstarter, where people fund a project based on personality. On crowdfunding sites, people pay for a product before it exists because of the person selling it. 

People want to work with a real person, not a faceless corporation. When you make your brand voice pop, you shine through as a real person. It makes your work more enjoyable and your audience more responsive. In the end, that means your copy will convert with little effort.


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About Daniel Doan

Daniel is a proven Neuro-Response copywriter with over a decade of expertise bridging the gap between what your company wants to say and what your customers actually want to read.

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