

5 Powerful B2B Copywriting Strategies To Grow Your Business (And Drive More MQLs And SQLs)

Picture this: you invest what seems like endless time and money in your brand’s website.

You’ve put in weeks, months, even years of work. Then, you start generating traffic.

You feel triumphant like all your efforts have paid off. It looks like your brand is going to grow faster than you can handle. 

Before you start celebrating, you notice something doesn’t add up. People aren’t engaging with your content. Nobody’s giving their email addresses, downloading resources, or signing up for anything.

Why is this happening? You’ve created all this great content, and you’re giving it out for free to get people interested in your brand. So why aren’t they biting the line? 

There are many explanations for this problem and you might find yourself stumped. If that’s the case, aren’t the only one.

It’s challenging to know which kinds of content will attract more interest in your business. It’s more challenging to know which will generate marketing qualified leads (MQLs) and sales qualified leads (SQLs). 

  • Increasing MQLs and SQLs is essential because, with enough nurturing, they’ll become customers.
  • They’re more serious about traveling through your sales funnel.
  • One problem: if you don’t show the content that keeps them interested, they won’t stay around long enough to convert.

If you’re dealing with these problems yourself, you’ve come to the right place. This article will show you everything you need to create the right content to get more leads. You’ll learn the process of figuring out which resources you need to provide your audience to turn them into MQLs.

If you’re eager to grow your brand and generate more paying customers, read on to learn more about the powerful B2B copywriting strategies to start increasing your business’ MQLs and SQLs today.


What’s The “Right Content” To Drive MQLs And SQLs?

5 powerful b2b copywriting strategies to grow your business (and drive more mqls and sqls)

Before you can attract MQLs, it’s essential to understand what the “right” content is. In other words, to catch the right fish, you have to use the right bait.

The “right” content means information, resources, or anything else that your target audience (other businesses) finds helpful... if not essential to solve problems and achieve their goals. 

Helpful content includes anything that helps businesses become more optimized in any way. Your content should also provide solutions for any challenges they may face.

There are many different kinds of content you can post on your website, such as:

  • Blog posts that explain relevant problems or issues your clients may face and how to solve them.
  • Reports about specific industry problems and the solutions your brand provides.
  • Infographics that compare customers’ performance before and after purchasing your product or service. They can also contrast your brand’s offer with your competitors.
  • Case studies that show how your product or service has benefited a specific business.
  • Webinars (web seminars) that give potential customers more information about your offer.
  • Video demos that demonstrate how to use your product or service and what it’s like to use it.
  • Testimonials that reveal comments and reviews from real customers who endorse your brand.
  • On-boarding training to provide information on how to use your product or service.

This isn’t an exhaustive list of website content by any means. Also, keep in mind that there’s no one “best” kind of content. Each type of content fulfills a purpose, providing information readers need. 

Regardless of the kinds of content you use, though, not all content is equal. That means not all types of content are appropriate for your customer. Only some types will be effective at drawing in MQLs from the rest of your website visitors.

That’s because the “right” content also depends on where your customer is in the sales funnel. Here’s a basic breakdown of what a typical sales funnel looks like:

  • Top of Funnel: Awareness

    • Attract your audience’s attention
    • Make them aware of a problem they’re having
    • Introduce them to your brand
  • Middle of Funnel: Consideration
    • Generate new leads
    • Nurture existing leads
    • Educate leads about solutions
  • Bottom of Funnel: Decision
    • Convert leads to paying customers
    • Make your buying process pain free
    • Support customers after their purchase

Notice the goals in each stage of the funnel. Where do you think MQLs fit? That’s right: in the middle of the funnel. MQLs are aware of their business’s problems and are looking for solutions like your offer. 

Another critical point about providing the “right” content: it also has to come at the right time. That’s why you need to be intentional with each piece of content you provide your audience and when you show it. You need to understand the purpose and reason behind using it and how you use it.

You may be asking which kinds of content will turn casual viewers into qualified leads. Which types of content are best suited for the middle of the funnel? Before answering these questions, you need a deeper understanding of your target audience.

Learn more about sales funnel here.

5 powerful b2b copywriting strategies to grow your business (and drive more mqls and sqls)

Powerful B2B Copywriting Strategy To Grow Your Business (And Drive More MQLs and SQLs) #1: Understand What Your MQLs And SQLs Want

5 powerful b2b copywriting strategies to grow your business (and drive more mqls and sqls)

It’s hard to create content that attracts qualified leads if you don’t know what they want in the first place.

To start, try imagining your business’s ideal lead. Who are they? What do they want? More than anything. Why do they want these things? What are some of their biggest concerns? What do they struggle with the most?

Even more important for you: how can you deliver solutions for them? How can your brand help them fulfill their business goals and reduce their worries?

If these questions are difficult to answer, research your industry and audience more. You can also create a core buyer persona to refer to while creating content for your website.

This extra research and preparation may be time-consuming, but it’s essential. Even if you create less content, for now, you’ll have a better understanding of your offer and customers. It’ll make the content creation process much easier for you in the future, as well.

You’ll also know what information your content needs to provide to get qualified leads. These are resources that’ll make leads provide their contact information.

Since your customers are businesses, your content should show how you’ll help them. You should show how you gain more customers, generate more revenue, or solve problems they can’t fix.

For example, let’s say a potential customer of yours runs a small business. Imagine they’ve been having trouble with their employees. No matter what they do, the employees stay sluggish, unfocused, and unmotivated. Our business owner needs to solve this problem fast and is now searching for solutions.

Then they come across the website for your Banana Productivity app. It’s an incentive-based app where employees earn virtual bananas by completing work. 

At the end of each month, employees can redeem the bananas they earned for prizes.

Your app’s main selling point is keeping employees productive during the workday. While that’s enticing, it’s not enough to make visitors subscribe to your newsletter, much less buy your app. 

Imagine the business owner reads a case study in which you help a business 10x its productivity. That’s what’ll make them decide to opt-in to your free services and learn more about your app.

Why's that? It’s because this case study answers the questions MQLs have: will this app get me the results I want? How will I know? Where’s the evidence? What are some real-life examples? How can I apply this solution to my business? What results can I expect for myself?

Remember, customers don’t only want to know what your solution is or does. They want to see if and how your solutions can help them achieve positive outcomes. That’s the kind of information you need to provide in your content. Then MQLs will feel inclined to provide contact info and learn about your offer. 

In other words, they’re one step closer to becoming paying customers. Congratulations. You’ve now nurtured a lead. Next, let’s go over the best types of content to transform your audience into qualified leads.


Powerful B2B Copywriting Strategy To Grow Your Business (And Drive More MQLs And SQLs) #2: Create Middle Of Funnel Content For MQLs And SQLs

5 powerful b2b copywriting strategies to grow your business (and drive more mqls and sqls)

Now that you have a clear idea of who your ideal leads are and what motivates them, you’re ready to create content. 

Again, the right kinds of content not only depend on your audience but also on where they are in your sales funnel. Since MQLs are in the middle of your funnel, it’s essential to create content that works specifically for leads.

At this stage, your prospects are aware of the problems their company is experiencing. Now they’re looking for solutions. They’re comparing and contrasting different brands before deciding which one's right.

Think about what your qualified leads need to see to stay engaged with your brand long enough to buy from you.

Your content at this stage should give leads more in-depth explanations of your offer. It needs to emphasize the benefits and how you’ll change your customers’ lives. Your content should also highlight why your brand’s offer is the best option. This can prevent them from spending more time researching your competitors. 

Some of the best kinds of content to help you do this is:

  • Blog posts that explain how your product or service can help clients.
  • Case studies that give real-life examples of how you've helped businesses grow. 
  • Demo videos that show how to use your product or service. This will make it easier for potential customers to imagine what it’ll be like to use them.
  • Ebooks that give personalized information that MQLs want to know about your offer.
  • FAQs that answer questions about your product or service and why your brand is the best choice for them.
  • Email newsletters to inform MQLs about updates and keep you at the forefront of their minds.
  • Webinars about the products and services you offer. These will also help MQLs imagine what it will be like to use them in their business. 
  • Product or service pages that show everything your audience needs to know about your offer. This includes how-to guides, resources, features, and specifications.

You may have noticed that some content can also work at the top or bottom of the funnel. While that’s true, pay attention, though, to how you use content for the middle of the funnel customers. MQLs are still in the consideration phase of their purchasing journey. They’re more comfortable clicking around your website for more information and resources. 

Business customer-clients also take a long time to decide before buying something. Don’t show anything that’s too elementary for their knowledge level or too pushy.

Let’s say an MQL has an interest in your business. There’s a meager chance they’ll feel inspired by your testimonials and CTAs and buy from you right away.

Don't hit them with a sales pitch the second they arrive at your website. They may feel like your brand prioritizes sales instead of customer service. This will put potential customers off and drive them away.

What if your MQL only finds blog posts or infographics that repeat what they already know? Your leads may feel like you have nothing new or valuable to offer them. That will also make them leave your website.

In both cases, this MQL will feel like your business isn’t the right fit for them. They’ll look for another brand. That’s why it’s essential to use content that’s appropriate for customers in the middle of the funnel.

Know how to align your copywriting with your prospect's stages of awareness in this article.


Powerful B2B Copywriting Strategy To Grow Your Business (And Drive More MQLs And SQLs) #3: Perform A Content Audit To Analyze What Attracts Your MQLs And SQLs

5 powerful b2b copywriting strategies to grow your business (and drive more mqls and sqls)

You don’t have to trash everything on your site after learning about effective content. Instead, perform a content audit.

Check your currently published content. Use tools like Google Analytics to see how your content has performed. Which kinds of content got the most engagement? Which ones did past customers or clients sign up for the most? Where did you get the most contact information? 

You might have some gems that you can update or repurpose along with the new content you create.

Doing this will not only save you time from creating new content. It will also give you a better idea of what your specific audience prefers to see. They might not have cared to read long blog posts that show how to use your product or service. Instead, they might have preferred easier and quicker to follow video demonstrations.

It’ll also help you understand your clients better. What information did they want to learn? What were the most common problems they needed to solve? This will help you know what type of content to provide. 

The more patterns you can find in your content, the easier it’ll be to meet needs and transform MQLs into customers. Again, the right content is all about what your ideal customer wants to see. So, focus on providing these things.


Powerful B2B Copywriting Strategy To Grow Your Business (And Drive More MQLs And SQLs) #4: Optimize Your Landing Pages And CTAs

5 powerful b2b copywriting strategies to grow your business (and drive more mqls and sqls)

You might have the best lead magnets, but no one will see them if your pages are sloppy or your CTAs are unclear. If potential leads ignore your resources, it’ll be harder for you to keep them interested in your brand. 

That’s why you need to make sure to optimize your landing pages. Are they geared toward a specific reader rather than your general audience? Do they involve the right keywords to attract leads? Do they have a clear CTA?

Aside from the copy itself, think about how your pages look. Are the colors attractive or off-putting? Is it easy for viewers to see, or could they ignore it? Is the CTA button even big enough?

The best way to optimize your landing pages and CTAs is by experimenting. Create different versions and use analytics tools to see which ones convert best. 

Bottom line: it doesn’t hurt to use your existing content. Determine which types work best for your specific audience. That will give you the direction you need to create the right kinds of content for your website.

This article can help you with landing page optimization to increase conversions in your copy.

5 powerful b2b copywriting strategies to grow your business (and drive more mqls and sqls)

Powerful B2B Copywriting Strategy To Grow Your Business (And Drive More MQLs And SQLs) #5: Evaluate MQLs And SQLs From Regular Leads

5 powerful b2b copywriting strategies to grow your business (and drive more mqls and sqls)

It makes sense to create content that’ll generate as many leads as you can. After all, casting a wide net will grab you the most fish at once.

Not all these prospects, though, will turn into qualified leads. 

To help your brand focus on nurturing the right leads, test them. After getting contact information, create criteria to decide who might become an MQL. 

For example, do they follow a similar sales path as your previous customers? Are these new prospects like your target audience? Are they opting into various resources on your website?

You’ll also need to create criteria that disqualify them. 

It may seem counterintuitive. After all, it’s a potential customer. The thing is, though, not all leads are equal.

For example, let’s say you supply bananas to regional businesses in California. If a business from the midwest opts in to one of your lead magnets, though, are you in the best position to serve them?

Sure, they may want to buy from you. But if you don’t have the resources to ship your products nationwide, you won’t be able to serve them. That’s why you should disqualify this lead.

This may seem like a simplistic example, and it is. Bottom line: you should dedicate your time and effort toward nurturing qualified leads. Not only anyone who seems interested in your business.

If you qualify your leads right away, you can tailor content for them. That’ll help push them further down your sales funnel.

It’s okay if you don’t immediately come up with the perfect evaluating criteria. The most important thing is to hone your system to make more reliable and consistent sales.


The Right Content Lands You More MQLs And SQLs

5 powerful b2b copywriting strategies to grow your business (and drive more mqls and sqls)

Now you have the tools you need to start creating content that’ll grow your B2B brand and generate more MQLs and SQLs.

Your brand’s content builds your reputation. It should bring positive awareness to your business and show prospects how you can help them. If your brand fulfills your audience’s needs and desires, you’ll see more engagement.

If your content doesn’t do these things, it’ll give readers the impression that you don’t understand them. Showing your audience irrelevant or salesy content will harm your reputation even more.

If prospects feel like you aren’t meeting their needs, they’ll look for another brand. They want to deal with someone who seems to understand their needs better. That means you’ll have wasted resources and lost out on a customer.

Not to mention the thousands of dollars in revenue you could have earned from them.

This could be why visitors aren’t opting into the free material you provide on your website. It might not be relevant enough to your target audience’s desires or concerns.

If you provide the correct information at the right time, you’ll attract customers. They’ll come to see your brand as a recognizable, reliable, and reputable resource.

There are certain things to remember, though, like the fact that no piece of content will provide everything your audience needs.

It’s all good and well to have glowing testimonials. If that’s the only thing you provide on your website, potential clients will feel like you lack content. It’ll not only seem awkward, but it’ll also look suspicious and even off-putting.

Now you know what the “right” kinds of content should do for your target audience. You can provide your audience all the information they need to make the correct decision. You’ll also know how to convince them why you’re the right brand for them. That’s how you get your audience to convert.


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About Daniel Doan

Daniel is a proven Neuro-Response copywriter with over a decade of expertise bridging the gap between what your company wants to say and what your customers actually want to read.

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