

Advanced Copywriting: How To Make Readers Care About Your Solution To Their Problems

Your copy isn’t landing with your audience. It’s not getting any attention or interest, and you don’t know what you’re doing wrong.

It’s frustrating. You might think it’s impossible now...

But you can learn how to make people care with your copywriting.

First, you need to understand why people buy things. The short answer: because they want to improve their lives.

Think about it:

  • Nobody wants to feel scared, insecure, uncertain, or in danger.
  • People want to avoid negative feelings.
  • We also want to experience positive feelings.

That’s where your business comes in. Your customers want to experience safety, security, and satisfaction. You have to illustrate how your product or service can provide that. 

The way to get customers to care about your business is by addressing their feelings in your copy. Read on to learn 6 copywriting tips on how to make readers care about your brand on an emotional level.


Copywriting Tip #1: Understand Your Target Audience

Advanced copywriting: how to make readers care about your solution to their problems

All the tips in this post can improve your copywriting. But no amount of copywriting advice will help if you don’t understand your target audience.

You might think you know who they are, but tell me: who are they? What do they look like? What do their lives look like? What do they care about? What are their concerns? What do they want in life? More than anything?

You may not know who your target audience is if you find it difficult to answer these questions. You may just have a vague image of a person in your mind...

And that’s why your copy isn’t reaching anyone.

Copy needs to compel your audience to buy your product or service through emotions. If you don’t understand your target audience or try to appeal to a general audience, you could appeal to nobody.

After all, if you write for everybody, you write for nobody. 

So who are you writing for? If you can answer that question, you can command attention and compel your readers to take action.

Here’s how you can start finding these answers.

Advanced copywriting: how to make readers care about your solution to their problems

Research Your Target Audience

To understand your target audience on a deep level, you need to get specific. Hone in on exactly who your ideal customer is. You can do this by conducting proper audience research.

First, take a look at your current customers. Check out their comments about your product or service. They’ll show you why they bought your product or service. And they can help you figure out what you’re doing right and what you need to improve on. 

Note the specific ways your offer benefited or didn’t benefit their lives. Then, capitalize on that information. Use their feedback to improve your product or service. You can then promote it to people who have the same wants, needs, and concerns as your previous customers.

Advanced copywriting: how to make readers care about your solution to their problems

If your customers’ comments don’t give you a clearer idea, try asking them. For example, send out a survey to your email list. Ask them how your product or service has enhanced or fell short of enhancing their lives. 

You could even research your competitors’ customers, too. Find out what your competitors are doing right, or what they’re doing wrong. That data can make your copy more attractive to your readers.

In short, gather as much data as you can. This will give you a more accurate picture of what your audience wants, needs, and prioritizes. When you start writing, this information will make your copy more attractive to them.

Learn the proper audience research here.


Create An Ideal Client Portfolio

Advanced copywriting: how to make readers care about your solution to their problems

Now you’ve gathered information about your target audience. The next step is creating an ideal client portfolio (ICP) for them. This is a sort of avatar for your core buyer persona. 

To create your ICP, compile your data and figure out your ideal customer demographics. What’s their:

  • Age range?
  • Gender?
  • Level of education?
  • Level of income?
  • Location?
  • Ethnicity?
  • Household?
  • Interests?
  • Priorities?
  • Concerns?
  • Desires?

Get as specific as possible. That helps you identify what your ideal client isn’t satisfied with in their lives and how they’d rather feel. You can then use this information to tailor your copy to them by addressing these feelings. 

Another benefit of having an ICP on hand is that it helps you keep your target audience in mind. While writing copy, it’s easy to get stuck in your head. You may feel like your message is crystal clear… but that’s because you already know what you’re trying to say. 

In reality, you might be failing to address your target audience...

That’s why ICPs are so important. You can always refer to them to make sure you’re writing based on your reader’s perspective. That’ll help your copy stay relevant and relatable to your audience.


Illustrate Your Offer’s Benefits

Advanced copywriting: how to make readers care about your solution to their problems

All the previous research you did up until now was to learn how to empathize with your customer. But now that you know who your target audience is, it’s time to insert your business into the picture. You can do this by highlighting your offer’s benefits. 

You’ve narrowed down your audience’s concerns and desires. You’ve identified the emotions that motivate them to buy something. Now you can position your product, service, or brand as the thing they need in their lives.

Show your customers how you can solve their problems and ease their concerns. Show them all the ways your offer can bring satisfaction. 

This is how you’ll convince your audience to decide to buy from you. Remember, humans only invest money, time, and attention if there’s a clear benefit for them. That’s what you need to prove in your copy.

Show your readers that you understand exactly who they are, what they desire, and how you can provide it. If your audience feels seen by your copy, your business will seem more trustworthy. They’ll be more likely to believe your offer and try it at some point.

Next, I’ll get into specific copywriting tips you can use to appeal to your readers’ emotions.


Copywriting Tip #2: Insert Emotion In Your Copy

Advanced copywriting: how to make readers care about your solution to their problems

Now you have a better understanding of who your target audience is. This is when you can start inserting the right emotions into your copy. I know I talked a lot about the importance of writing with feelings and emotions...but how exactly do you do that?

Again, think about the reason people buy things. It’s to ensure feelings of safety, security, and comfort. That means buying is an emotional response. Your copy needs to tap into these feelings and trigger an emotional reaction in your readers. That’s what makes them buy.

Here’s an example. Let’s say your business sells banana-flavored baby food. In one of your ads, you show an adorable baby smiling in a banana costume. Imagine the baby’s happy parents are looking down at it with love in their eyes. The slogan reads “Go bananas for your baby banana.”

You can picture it already, can’t you? You might feel your heart melting, too. I know I can. With such an endearing ad, who wouldn’t associate your product with raising a happy and healthy baby? 

What other feelings does this ad convey? What would appeal to your target audience, i.e. parents of newborns? Satisfaction at providing good food for their child? It could be a sense of pride at how happy the baby is. Or a sense of security from a loving family.

This ad expresses the potential positive experiences customers can get from the offer. It’s related to their wants and needs. And the message is to the point: buy this product to make you and your family happy.

This brings me to my next point…


Use Your Audience’s Emotional Attachments

Advanced copywriting: how to make readers care about your solution to their problems

Think about some of the things you’re attached to in an emotional way. It could be your family, friends, or community. It could also be your hobbies, favorite sports team, or favorite TV series. Everyone has emotional attachments, and you can use this to your advantage.  

Relate your offer to something your audience has an attachment to. Then they’ll be more attracted to your brand. They’ll associate your product with the thing they love, and that alone will entice them to buy from you.

Let’s imagine that the baby in the ad from above is now a toddler. Say the toddler obsesses over Banana Man, a cartoon superhero. Parents like Banana Man because he promotes a healthy lifestyle and good values. 

To sell banana snacks for children, appeal to your audience’s emotional attachments. Try using Banana Man in your packaging. Or in a TV commercial, show Banana Man eating one of your snacks to power up.

As you can see, using emotional attachments in your copy makes it more powerful. It makes readers care about your product or service more. That has a huge influence on their purchasing decision.

Connect your product or service with something your audience is already attached to. They’ll be more likely to want to spend money on your brand. That can give you an advantage over your competitors.

Know how to craft emotional hooks in this article.


Copywriting Tip #3: Change Negative Emotions Into Positive Ones

Advanced copywriting: how to make readers care about your solution to their problems

Remember, buying is an emotional response at its core. It’s a way of protecting ourselves by ensuring security and avoiding discomfort. You can use these two main human desires to make your copy more compelling.

Imagine the negative emotions your target audience experiences in their everyday lives. This could range from fear, longing, stress, anger, grief, and uncertainty. It’s a sense of discomfort.

So, address those emotions in your copy. Show the reader that their concerns are legitimate and that you understand them. Make them feel heard and validated. You’re here to help, and you have to earn your audience’s trust before you can do that.

Let’s go back to the banana baby example. What if you turned that pictorial ad into a TV commercial? What are your target audience’s concerns? They could stress over balancing work, housekeeping, and parenting for the first time. Now, set the scene:

Imagine one of the new parents comes home to a messy house. They’re stressed from work and exhausted from a lack of sleep. The second parent isn’t doing much better, either. They’re also exhausted from taking care of their newborn all day.

As the parents are about to get into an argument, the baby starts crying. The parents then feed your banana-flavored baby food to the baby, and then, it stops. Instead, it starts cooing and smiling at the parents.

The parents then stare down at the baby, then at each other. At that moment, they realize the most important thing isn’t daily stress, but the happiness of their child. Their main priority is the love and security of their family. 

Your baby food served as their reminder.

It’s a powerful message, isn’t it? You’ve shown how your product turns negative emotions into positives. Emotions that they’d rather feel and might even long for.

So, show that your product or service will help customers experience positive emotions. Feelings like confidence, happiness, relief, certainty, or fulfillment. Doing so will make them entrust you to protect them from negative emotions. That’s how you can convince them to buy your offer. 


Copywriting Tip #4: Use Visual Copy

Advanced copywriting: how to make readers care about your solution to their problems

Another copywriting tool that can appeal to your audience’s emotions is visual copy. You see, copywriting isn’t only about communicating the literal meaning of words on a page. You can also help viewers imagine a scene they resonate with

Visual copy creates emotional pulls and relatability. That helps your audience identify as the main character in your narrative. Think about reading a story. You don’t want a dull, boring narrative. You want the words to paint a picture.

The banana baby commercial from above is a great example. It set a relatable scene for your target audience. The scenario is realistic for new parents who balance work, relationships, and caretaking. 

Your commercial then got them to imagine how your product fixes these problems. Your banana-flavored baby food could resolve their negative feelings from stress.

These kinds of stories and conclusions entice your target audience. Your job is to position your product or service as the thing they need to resolve their problem. In other words, complete their story.

Make sure to get as specific and descriptive as possible with visual language. The goal is to evoke an emotional response. Help your audience feel like they’re in the scene and they’ll relate more to your copy. 

Tell the reader about the details. That makes a scene much more believable and relatable. Don’t describe a banana as yellow, compare it to the beak of a toucan. Your audience will have more of an interest in your copy and they’ll engage more with it.

While visual copy is crucial, you have to use it the right way. Don’t overdo descriptions and only say things that make sense. Your audience can tell when you’re overselling something. When they get that impression, they’re less likely to trust you.

This is what you can do with visual copy. It helps you illustrate, clarify, and explain your message. You can also leave a bigger emotional impact on your target audience. That’ll make customers more willing to take up your offer. 

Here are some visual copywriting techniques that will surely improve your conversions.


Copywriting Tip #5: Write Like Your Audience Speaks

Advanced copywriting: how to make readers care about your solution to their problems

When you write copy, it’s important to sound like the audience you’re appealing to. The more relatable your business is, the easier it is for customers to connect with your brand. And that means they’ll be more likely to see what you have to offer.

Think about it. You associate with people who have similar experiences, beliefs, or interests, right? It’s harder to relate to people who seem like they’re on a completely different wavelength.

This also applies to your relationship with your customers. 

To identify with your brand, your audience needs to feel understood. So, use the same language they use in their everyday lives to communicate with them.

Think back to the banana baby ad from above. Imagine your target audience is new, young, and doting parents. Their main priority is making their baby as happy and healthy as it can be. They want a safe and secure home for their family.

The slogan “Go bananas for your baby banana” uses the right language to appeal to them. It’s tender, affectionate, and wholesome. Your audience is crazy about their baby and would do anything for it. That’s why the loving language in this copy is so effective.

Now, imagine the same image of the laughing baby in the adorable banana costume. What if the slogan was different? “Feed your baby our banana products for more vitamin B6, Potassium, and antioxidants.”

Kind of has a duller impact, doesn’t it?

While this slogan is correct, it doesn’t pack the same emotional punch as the first one. 

That’s because the second slogan doesn’t sound like your target audience. 

Most new parents don’t care about each nutrient they’re feeding their baby. They’re too tired, preoccupied, or stressed to worry about these trivial things. As long as your product shows that it can fulfill their deep desires, that’s all they need to know.

Don’t waste time and space in your copy with information that doesn’t relate to or connect with your audience. Instead, focus on the positive outcomes of your offer, i.e. the thing they care about the most.

Advanced copywriting: how to make readers care about your solution to their problems

Copywriting Tip #6: Use Trigger Words

Advanced copywriting: how to make readers care about your solution to their problems

Now you understand why buying is an emotional response. With that knowledge, you can use certain words to trigger the response. 

Trigger words can attract your target audience by appealing to their emotions. They’re a great way to motivate them to act now and take up your offer. Some impactful trigger words you can use are:

  • You
  • Wish
  • Want
  • Hope
  • Safe
  • Proven 
  • Secure
  • Protection
  • Boost
  • Empower
  • Seize
  • Don’t wait
  • Start now
  • No more
  • Never again
  • Limited time only
  • Free
  • Easy
  • Special
  • Exclusive

From this list, you can see how trigger words tap into people’s desire for safety and security. They can also appeal to your audience’s sense of longing for something better in their lives. Trigger words can also compel your reader to act now to get what they want.

Bottom line, trigger words make your product, service, or brand attractive.

I should mention that you shouldn’t use trigger words to mislead your readers. That means, don’t drum up fear, scarcity, and urgency in your readers to make them buy something they don’t need. DCG doesn't tolerate shady shenanigans.

Also, don’t pepper trigger words throughout your copy and hope it’ll garner a response. That’ll make your copy look sloppy, which puts readers off...

Of course, generating sales is every company’s goal. But your business should provide a service. It should offer something that will help your customer improve their lives.

Trigger words are effective in getting your audience to take action. But make sure you use them in a way that aligns with your message. 


Make People Care With Your Copywriting

Advanced copywriting: how to make readers care about your solution to their problems

Now you have the tips to start making readers care about your offer with your copy.

The most important thing is to first understand your target audience. Once you’ve identified their desires and worries, you can craft copy that appeals to them. Ease their concerns and show how your product or service delivers positive experiences.

Show that you empathize with your audience and trigger an emotional response. They’ll be more likely to trust your business. Then, you’ll earn the reputation of a relatable brand that provides what your audience needs. 

These tips will help you convey that you can improve your audience’s lives. That’ll make customers more compelled to take up your offer. The best part is that you’ll generate more customers in a more effective and reliable way.


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About Daniel Doan

Daniel is a proven Neuro-Response copywriter with over a decade of expertise bridging the gap between what your company wants to say and what your customers actually want to read.

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