

7 Ways To Elevate Desire In Your Copywriting (And Give Your Conversion Rates A Boost)

Everyone needs your offer. There’s just one problem — nobody wants it. 

As much as you might hate hearing that, it’s a common scenario. For example, imagine you come up with the perfect idea for a banana ice cream maker. Peel some bananas, freeze them, blend them. 

Then you have delicious, low-calorie banana ice cream that lets people indulge without compromising their diets.

No more slip-ups. No more guilt. No more starting and restarting diet after diet.

You set up your website, write your copy, and wait for the sales to come in. Traffic starts to build and your conversion rate climbs. Things look good, so you sit back and relax.

Then, disaster strikes. Days, weeks, and months pass.

  • Website hits dwindle, as do sales.
  • Your passion and enthusiasm start to fade.
  • It feels like your perfect idea might have been too good to be true.

If this has happened to you, you’re not alone. Countless creators and business owners have fantastic products that don’t stand out to consumers. 

All hope isn’t lost, though. Before you give up and find a construction job, try out some of these tricks. You might find out that it’s not the banana ice cream maker itself that makes people split. 

It’s the copy. If your copywriting is weak, your product won’t appeal to consumers. They’ll read, get bored, and move on to the next offer.

In this article, I’ll let you know the ways to elevate desire in your copywriting. If you want to learn how to write compelling copy, take note of these methods.


Way To Elevate Desire With Copywriting #1: Make Yourself Easy To Find Online

7 ways to elevate desire in your copywriting (and give your conversion rates a boost)

Before anyone can read your content, they need to find it. If someone searches Google to find a solution to their problem, does your product appear as a top result? 

If not, it’s time to change that. You may not have put in the work yet because it seems overwhelming. Don’t worry; it’s easy.

Search engine optimization (SEO) ensures that major search engines list your web page. SEO, when done right, allows more consumers to access your product. While this won’t drive sales overnight, it’s essential. 

With enough patience, your hits will grow and grow (and so should sales). You should also take advantage of backlinks and be strategic about the ones you choose. You don’t want backlinks from random blogs full of misinformation. 

Making sure your reader can find your copy is only one slice of the banana cream pie. Suppose your reader finds your site, but all the images don’t appear. None of the beautiful photos of homemade ice cream appear.

Your reader might try to reload a couple of times, get discouraged, and leave. Things like overlapping text, broken links, and outdated information also drive business away. 

A professional, well-built website helps to inspire the reader’s confidence. It shows you care and take pride in what you sell.

This is why it can help to test your website in several browsers and on mobile platforms before it goes live. If you link to your other resources, the links should be functional and findable.

Plain and simple, your website should be attractive and easy to read. How can you do that? Let’s go over a few rules of thumb.

First, you want to keep each line of text in a sweet spot. Too long, and your copy isn’t easy to scan. Too short, and it looks like there isn't much information.

Aim for around 80 characters per line. Your text will look more attractive and inviting to read.

Don’t worry — we’re not done talking about text yet. Font (and font size) makes a significant impact on your website’s readability.

Small fonts can be a pain to read, especially for anyone with poor eyesight. Large fonts look like you’re trying to fill up space with fluff. In the same vein, serif fonts (like Times New Roman) are a bit harder to read.

Next, let’s talk about something a little more artistic: white space. People get bombarded by text, images, and content every day. That only means they’re adept at tuning out an information overload.

Incorporate white space to bunch information together. This tactic can make your website feel less overwhelming. 


Way To Elevate Desire With Copywriting #2: Persuade Your Reader

7 ways to elevate desire in your copywriting (and give your conversion rates a boost)

Good copy starts with a strong “hook” to grab the reader’s attention. When you open with a short description of your product, readers might think, “This sounds cool, but do I need it?” 

They’ll read the rest of the article, hoping for you to convince them. Your copy should project the confidence and passion that drove you to create your offer. This will boost readers’ confidence in their investment and keep them coming back.

Your copy should communicate what your product is, what it does, and why your reader should buy it. The thing is, that’s easier said than done.

You might think someone buys something because they need it. That couldn’t be further from the truth.

People buy the things they want. Sure, they might need those things as well, but that’s a secondary concern.

Think about it for a second. Nobody gets excited to buy something like toothpaste. At least, most people don’t.

But what if the toothpaste has a better flavor than all its competitors? Or offers better whitening? It might be 100% natural and safe for the environment.

Not everybody needs those features, but let’s go one step further. People don’t want those features either. Consumers want the benefits they can get from those features.

A better flavor might make it easier to convince their kids to brush their teeth. Better whitening ability promises nicer-looking teeth, which boosts the user's confidence. 100% natural ingredients could make someone feel like they’re improving their health.

What people buy always comes down to what they want, deep down. I’ll let you in on another little trick to figure out what your readers want.

Ask, “Why?” Why does your reader want whiter teeth? So their smile looks better. Why? So they make a better impression on people. Why? So people will like them more. Why? Because they want to feel good about themselves.

Nothing is ever surface-level with sales and marketing. Keep digging until you get to the bottom of your audience’s true desire. Then, it’s time to write.

Great copywriting goes beyond “It’s a banana ice cream maker.” It invites the reader to imagine the benefits of owning one themselves. 

“Replace your desserts with banana ice cream, and you can lose weight.” The more you connect your product to your reader’s unmet needs, the more their desire will build. 

Here's how you can effectively persuade your audience to boost conversions

7 ways to elevate desire in your copywriting (and give your conversion rates a boost)

Way To Elevate Desire With Copywriting #3: Get Expert Approval

7 ways to elevate desire in your copywriting (and give your conversion rates a boost)

Who would you rather listen to about health? A doctor or someone trying to sell you something? My money is on the doctor.

The same goes for any business or offer. People aren’t stupid, and they tend to assume you only want to sell them something and make some money. If you tell them your product is excellent, what reason do they have to believe you?

None. At least, if you don’t have anything to back it up. That’s why an expert’s opinion or approval is so valuable. People will trust someone who doesn’t have a bias. Who better than an expert who knows your industry but has no bias?

So, let’s go back to the banana ice cream maker. We could say it’s a great way to cut calories, carbs, and sugar. Or, we claim that switching over to bananas for your desserts could help someone lose weight.

That sounds great, but there’s no proof. Now, imagine we get a nutritionist to weigh in. The nutritionist explains why bananas are a better choice than real ice cream. They’re low in fat, don’t have any added sugar, and provide essential nutrients.

The nutritionist knows these facts through their years of schooling and experience. They provide proof for these claims and act as an authority. After all, everybody’s more likely to listen to a professional than a business.

You can do the same in any industry. The expert can provide broad proof that supports your claims or a simple endorsement. What you need depends on your offer and the claims you need to prove. You might need statistics and studies, or a simple written recommendation might work.

Learn how to use social proof in your copy to improve sales here.


Way To Elevate Desire With Copywriting #4: Make Your Product Accessible

7 ways to elevate desire in your copywriting (and give your conversion rates a boost)

Your reader needs to feel like you created your product for them. 

Your reader might want to achieve a particular goal but thinks he’s too busy or too lazy, or not motivated enough. He doesn’t see himself committing to a time-intensive formula for success. 

Your reader needs to know that your product works for people without much time or energy to spare. Give your reader a realistic idea of the time investment your product will need.

Readers need to know your product will change their lives and solve their problems in a short time. Then, they'll be much more willing to pay for what you offer. 

Remember — your reader has seen countless ads for products meant to address his needs. Some of those ads have been scams, which has left your reader a bit skeptical about tall claims. Your job is to show the reader that your product is the real deal and will deliver unmatchable results. 

You may be wondering how to convince a reader that your product is effective, easy to use, and works. 

With many companies paying for positive reviews, a testimonial may not be enough now. Reviews that seem generic or promise the world can leave your reader skeptical. So, it’s pretty crucial to never hide from the reader’s skepticism. 

Instead, approach it head-on. A good copywriter will address it through something called “reverse testimonials.”

A reverse testimonial doesn't begin with glowing praise for your product. It's more strategic about its use of past customers and product testers. 

Instead of asking them, “What makes my product awesome?” you’ll ask, “When you first heard about my product, what made you skeptical about it?” Past customers or product testers can answer with their initial objections and questions. 

Sure, it may seem wacky. After all, why would you want your reviewers to criticize your product? 

The answer is that they’re not criticizing it. 

Instead, they’re listing their initial objections that your reader might share. Then, they're sharing how using your product proved them wrong. In other words, past customers and testers can empathize with and handle objections. 

The reader will want that success for themselves and will be eager to buy the product.

Testimonials aren’t always enough without proper research and facts. Using case studies, infographics, and research can help lend credibility to your claims. Choose data that confirms your product will do what no other product can do. 

A live video demonstration is another excellent way to ease skepticism. Watching someone else use the product reassures the reader that the product works. 


Way To Elevate Desire With Copywriting #5: Consider A Product Partnership

7 ways to elevate desire in your copywriting (and give your conversion rates a boost)

Product partnerships are another excellent way to drive business. 

Think about when Apple partnered with the luxury brand Hermès on the Apple Watch. The two companies each had something the other didn’t. 

Hermès had a positive reputation as a long-established watchmaker. They knew the design elements consumers look for in wearable technology. As smartwatches became the new big thing, Hermès had to capitalize on the trend to stay competitive. 

Apple was an established electronics company and a leader in smartwatch production. They knew how to create gadgets that sell out before they reach shelves. The thing is, Apple has never sold jewelry or wearable luxury items before.

When the two companies partnered, the result was an elegant leather band for the Apple watch. They combined the technology of a smartwatch with the status of a classic Hermès luxury watch. 

This partnership offered the best of both worlds. Consumers could enjoy the smartwatch technology with the Hermès aesthetic. 

It also made the Hermès brand visible to loyal Apple customers who only want the smartest of watches. 

Partnerships create opportunities for cross-promotion. Like Apple’s partnership with Hermès, the ideal partnership is beneficial for each party. Your partner will help your brand to reach its entire client base. In return, you will also give your partner broader visibility and reach.

Choosing an effective partner requires that you understand your target consumer. Banana ice cream would likely appeal to health-conscious individuals working toward lifestyle goals. 

Look for other companies that target a similar demographic and share your values. You might consider partnerships with companies whose expertise could ease your workload. 

Partnerships don’t always involve collaborating to produce a product. Sometimes, they focus on cross-promotion. Two gaming apps might partner to cross-promote one another within their respective apps. 

Your business’s best partnership will depend on what you sell and what type of support you seek. So long as you offer your partner value in return, a partnership is a proven strategy for success.

7 ways to elevate desire in your copywriting (and give your conversion rates a boost)

Way To Elevate Desire With Copywriting #6: Build Confidence In Yourself

7 ways to elevate desire in your copywriting (and give your conversion rates a boost)

You’d be hard-pressed to create a product or service that sells itself. Weak or plain bad offers aren’t desirable to anyone. Even with the best copy in the world backing the offer up, most people will see right through it.

Good offers create another problem. Audiences might think the offer is too good to be true. They’re used to bold claims and outright lies. So, how can you overcome these hurdles?

Well, let’s get something clear first. Your website makes claims that you have to prove. An “About” page is one of the first places your audience will look for that proof. 

That’s why effective business pages contain an “About Me” or “About the Company” section. These sections build confidence in the individual or company that made the product. 

Here, make sure your personality stands out. You want to be sincere, relatable, and invested in making your client’s life easier. Think about what you and your company represent. 

If your brand is more fun-loving and carefree, let your audience know. Add some jokes, poke some fun at yourself, and break the fourth wall. Let your readers know who you are and give them a good idea of what your business does.

Let’s say your brand is more serious and your clients don’t take too kindly to lighthearted language. In that case, the last thing you’d want to do is start cracking jokes. Instead, establish your authority. Use (appropriate) jargon, list your accolades, and detail your relevant experience.

You also want to seem knowledgeable and qualified to advise your clients. Including a bit of professional history can go a long way. Don’t think “LinkedIn page,” though. Ideally, it should display your credentials and experience in a serious, structured way without fluffy details. 

Present yourself as an expert as well as an approachable and likable authority. Your reader will be much more likely to take you up on your offer. At the very least, they’ll follow the subscription link you’ve included on your page. 

You included one, right? No worries if not. We’ll cover that next.

Know how to stand out with your unique selling proposition here.


Way To Elevate Desire With Copywriting #7: Include A Subscription Link

7 ways to elevate desire in your copywriting (and give your conversion rates a boost)

Do you want to build a loyal following of readers and consumers? If so, your website should contain a form for visitors to subscribe to your content. It’ll ensure your loyal clients never miss an important update. 

Also, encourage every reader to sign up, regardless of whether they’ve bought anything. For those undecided consumers, your emails will keep your product on their minds. This will increase the likelihood that they’ll buy. So, be strategic about these emails. Readers should be able to stay informed without feeling spammed or overwhelmed. 

You can get creative with your subscription link as well. Think about how many times you’ve seen a button that says “Subscribe Now.” Doesn’t that feel a little… overused? Well, it is.

Try to make your subscription link more interesting and personalized than that. Subscribing doesn’t offer much value to the reader. They want to know what subscribing can do.

So, say something like “Get Updates.” Or “Get the Latest News and Deals.” You could even frame your subscription list as VIP-only. What you choose depends on your business and what you send to subscribers. Get creative, but make sure you don’t oversell your subscription.


Strengthening Desire With Copywriting

7 ways to elevate desire in your copywriting (and give your conversion rates a boost)

Too often, creators believe good offers sell themselves. Successful creators know that good copywriting builds desire in their readers. They start by making their web page as accessible and appealing as possible. This ensures that readers see and read it. 

Next, they work to make their copy the strongest it can be. Then comes a reverse testimonial to ease the reader’s skepticism. After, the author offers a combination of product demonstrations, case studies, and figures. Anything that can prove that the product works. 

Finally, some create a brand partnership that allows both parties to cross-promote. That can help both partners enjoy each other’s success. 

Once you’ve applied these steps, you’ll be ready to publish, attract readers, and tap into their desire. Give some or all of these strategies a try. You might be surprised at some of the results you see. 

Just make sure you don’t get discouraged if one method doesn’t work. There’s a reason you have so many different ways to provide proof.


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About Daniel Doan

Daniel is a proven Neuro-Response copywriter with over a decade of expertise bridging the gap between what your company wants to say and what your customers actually want to read.

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