

7 Copywriting Strategies For Building Credibility And Trust With Your Dream Customers

Picture this: you have a great idea. You try to sell it to your audience — but don’t get the results you want. It’s a struggle from the beginning to the end.

So, what’s the problem? Well, you can’t engage with your audience’s interest so they don’t buy into your idea.

  • The reality might sting now, and it should.
  • The thing is, countless people are in this same position.
  • Thankfully, instead of giving up, you’re finding out how to stop this from happening again.

That leads you to this article.

Can you answer where you went wrong, though? You might be able to sense it — but it feels like you can’t quite put your finger on it.

That’s because the problem might not be one thing.

It could be any of seven things. These are things you’re not doing that can ruin your chances of gaining your audience’s trust.

In fact, failing to create a trust-based relationship makes it that much more difficult to sell your offer. Imagine putting in all that effort into marketing and your audience swipes right past. That can be humiliating and demotivating.

Don't let that make you lose hope just yet. This article is here to arm you with everything you need to form an honest relationship with your audience. These are copywriting strategies for building credibility and trust to create a solid customer base.

Ready to find out how you can do that?


The Basics Of Copywriting

7 copywriting strategies for building credibility and trust with your dream customers

Copywriting as an outreach too to your audience can either sustain or wreck your enterprise. 

Think about it — the words you use dictates the kind of impression you’ll leave on your customers. The better you can write, the more attention you’ll attract. Isn’t that what you want at the end of the day?

You could think of good copy as a means of giving a voice to your brand. And there are numerous platforms where you can express yourself, ranging from social media, web pages, and advertisements. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. 

But the point of copywriting is to compel your reader to take action. Or, in the case of your business, it’s to convince your audience to purchase or enroll for a service you offer.

One thing to note, however, is that good and effective copy isn’t just about the words. It also represents your brand’s vision and lets you tell your story. You could think of it as a decision-making catalyst for whoever comes across your written work.

It’s easy to think copywriting is easy and straightforward, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Just like with any other skill, you have to put in a lot of work to be an incredible writer. 

Creativity is your best friend here. That being said, it’s a big help if you can find a way to address the needs of your customers with a clear and solid message.

Below are a few copywriting tips to help you reach out to your clients and improve your brand image.


Copywriting Strategy #1: Understand Your Audience

7 copywriting strategies for building credibility and trust with your dream customers

Approaching customers in a way they can identify with is an incredible boost towards your client outreach efforts. Everything from your language to the attitude of your approach comes into play. This makes your audience comfortable while recognizing you as part of the crew. 

That’s why it’s so important to conduct proper audience research. To begin, try answering:

  1. Who is my target audience?
    • What is their demographic: age, gender, ethnicity, income level, location, occupation, beliefs.
  2. What are their wants and needs?
    • What do they need help with in their lives?
  3. What are their challenges and pain points?
    • What are they struggling with that they’d pay money to fix?
  4. What are their behaviors and tendencies?
    • What motivates them to purchase from businesses and why?

7 copywriting strategies for building credibility and trust with your dream customers

Try to be as specific as you can. Once you’ve come up with your answers, you can create a buyer’s persona for your ideal client. This will help you keep your audience’s perspective in mind when you create copy for them.

Using phrases and words that are in line with your audience’s niche is another great way to look relevant to them. If you craft your copy in their language, they will feel like your words are personalized to them. It’ll seem like you’re talking directly to them.

One great way to figure out the jargon your audience uses is searching for your ideal customers on social media. Check out Twitter, Reddit, and even Amazon review pages. That will not only give you a better sense of how they talk but also what they need.

By doing this, you will be in a much better position since the audience will easily warm up to you. It might even feel like your brand image is in line with what their beliefs are. 

But don’t make the mistake of using these terms unless you’re certain of how they’re used. Saying the wrong thing at the wrong time completely throws you off your game. You may even end up coming off like a poser.

Knowing what your audience likes and believes in gives you an edge in the market, so you can get the ball rolling.

Learn how to increase conversions through proper audience research here.


Copywriting Strategy #2: Emphasize Your Brand’s Benefits

7 copywriting strategies for building credibility and trust with your dream customers

Now you have a better understanding of who your audience is and what they want. The next thing you need to figure out is how you can help them. 

For example, imagine you’re a banana vendor. Let’s say your business supplies small businesses with bananas for their snack station. 

Now that you know what businesses want from their perspective, you can demonstrate how your vendor service helps them achieve their goals.

All businesses want increased revenue, company growth, and a good reputation. So how can the bananas you provide contribute to these business objectives? Well, you could show how the bananas you sold have helped your customers. 

You could demonstrate how the health benefits of bananas have a positive effect on your customers’ employees. Emphasize the way bananas give workers energy boosts throughout the day, help relieve stress, and keep them full and focused.

These benefits help employees recharge and turn them into high performers. You can even show that’s why companies with employees who eat bananas are more successful than those who only provide junk food to their employees.

This may sound simple. But you’d be surprised at how many businesses can get this wrong. In fact, it can be easy to list out your product or service’s features rather than their actual benefits.

What do I mean by that? Well, going back to the banana example, everyone knows that bananas contain a lot of nutrients, like potassium, protein, and Vitamin D. what?

Are these supposed to be good things? How? And why?

Unlike features, which are just facts about what your product or service is, benefits actually align with how it will help your customer reach their goals. 

If you want to convince your audience to buy from you, it’s more convincing to emphasize benefits rather than just list out features. 

That’s why it’s important to communicate your brand’s benefits upfront and clearly.

Learn more about benefit-centric copywriting here.


Copywriting Strategy #3: Show Your Brand’s Uniqueness With Storytelling

7 copywriting strategies for building credibility and trust with your dream customers

It can be difficult to set your brand apart from the crowd...especially since there are so many competitors fighting for your audience’s attention.

The next thing I’d recommend you do is using elements of storytelling to show your brand’s uniqueness. 

Even if businesses sell similar products or services, no two products are exactly the same. You can differentiate your brand by creating a narrative that shows your unique story.

Back to the banana vendor example...imagine your business is one of the five biggest banana vending services in your region. How can you set your business apart from your competitors?

Well now that you know what appeals to your target audience, and what you can offer them, you can craft a unique backstory to your business and mission that aligns with your audience.

For example, you could tell the story of when you used to work in the basement of an office that provided only junk food to its employees. No matter which snacks you ate during the day, you constantly felt sluggish, unmotivated, and underperformed at your job.

Sick and tired of feeling this way, you decided to research more about snacks that will keep you energized and feeling good at work. You tried all different kinds of healthy snacks but found that bananas were the best since they were so easy to incorporate into your diet.

After eating bananas during the day, it felt like a 180-degree change. Your performance began improving, and people were asking how you did it. You started sharing bananas around the basement of your company, and soon enough, you all started outperforming those at the top.

That’s when you knew you were on to something. So you and your other basement co-workers quit your jobs and started your own banana vending business for employees that were like you. That’s why your vending business is now called “Top Banana.”

This is a compelling story: it’s unique, a bit funny, inspiring, and positive. And it’s a backstory that no one else can replicate. With your unique story, you can showcase your brand’s value to customers who share the same values.

That not only attracts them to your business, but they’ll also feel aligned with your business, making your connection with them stronger.

Here's a storytelling guide to help you connect with your customers in your copy.


Copywriting Strategy #4: Use The Right Kinds Of Content

7 copywriting strategies for building credibility and trust with your dream customers

To show how your brand helps businesses reach their goals, you need to use the right kinds of content. 

If your content seems random or irrelevant to your audience, you’ll never reach them. Instead, these cheap tactics will make your business look unprofessional and unsure of itself. Nobody wants to buy from that kind of brand.

To figure out what kinds of content are the most effective, think about what your audience values. These values depend on who your audience is, such as other businesses or individual consumers.

Some examples of these values include hard data, social proof, or entertaining content with emotional pulls.

Based on what’s most convincing to your audience, here are some examples of content to use:

  • Infographics
  • Charts and graphs
  • Reports and White Papers
  • Blog Posts
  • Podcasts
  • Testimonials
  • Customer surveys
  • Short videos on YouTube that demonstrate your product or service.

Bottom line, if your audience can’t imagine how your product or service will help or benefit them in a certain way, then they won't buy it.

With copywriting, it’s your job to help them envision a better life after purchasing from you.


Copywriting Strategy #5: Use Concrete Details For Credibility

7 copywriting strategies for building credibility and trust with your dream customers

The credibility of your message is much stronger if you’re specific about your details. It’s not just integrity that appeals to your audience. The idea you’re trying to convey comes into play as well. 

Think about it this way — the phrase “We’re the most popular banana vendor in Colorado” sounds a bit generic, doesn’t it? A better way to put it would be “Our 1.2 million customers in Colorado enjoy our fresh and nutritious bananas.” You can see that the latter statement is easier to believe than the first one is.

If you’re specific, you can make buyers more confident about what you’re selling. They can now advocate for your product and everything that your brand stands for - a strategy that can win you more clients. This is an excellent ingredient for the success of your enterprise. 

What would vagueness do to your credibility? For starters, your competitors will have an advantage over you, especially if they do an excellent job of informing people about what they’re offering. In such a case, your brand may fail to spark attention, making it that much more difficult to draw in new clients. 

Social proof and testimonies.

7 copywriting strategies for building credibility and trust with your dream customers

Copywriting Strategy #6: Speak The Truth

7 copywriting strategies for building credibility and trust with your dream customers

Gaining your audience’s trust means that your claims about your product or service must be true. That means you cannot exaggerate or purposefully mislead your audience to think they can achieve unrealistic results. 

Think about it this way: people are naturally suspicious before buying something. I mean, you’d also want to be sure that your purchase is worth the money you paid, right? That’s why people check reviews no matter how good a product or service description may be.

When customers see a product being promoted, chances are, they’ll see it as a loss of money. That’s just our natural stance until the value is proven. That’s why copywriting is so important. It’s our job to make sure they see it as a win.

So, with customers already on high alert, any lie ranging from outlandish to small can raise red flags. 

Compare the claim “Buying our bananas guarantees a 10x increase in your company’s revenue by the end of the week!” with “Buying our bananas will help you create a healthier working environment so you can start 10x-ing your growth.!”

They may look a bit similar. But the first one sets up an unrealistic expectation for the reader. The second claim, while more modest, is more truthful. And it’s hopeful, too.

It doesn’t guarantee specific results. But it gives an empowering message to the reader. It claims that if you buy these bananas, your business will be in a better position to grow. 

It’s not a lie. And if you can provide examples of previous customers who were able to achieve, and even exceed their business goals, it’d be more convincing to your audience. They’ll be that much closer to buying from you.

Of course, you want to promote your product or service in a positive light. But if your customers start questioning everything you’ve said, that can have detrimental effects on your brand image. Even your most loyal clients might start rethinking their decision to associate with you. 

The idea is to make sure that your audience can vouch for your product about what it can and can’t do. As an added tip, you could use practical videos to show what your product can do. If you have to add statistics, be sure to attach reliable sources for better credibility. This way, your audience can verify the specifics of what they’re buying. 

This goes without saying, but you should also avoid plagiarizing your work to protect your brand image and authenticity. The thing is, getting credit for something that isn’t yours in the first place gets in the way of you portraying the picture you want. You ruin your image and risk legal issues.

As they say, honesty is the best policy, and so it should be what guides your business.


Copywriting Strategy #7: Let Your Customers Speak For You

7 copywriting strategies for building credibility and trust with your dream customers

Once you’ve covered all of your bases from the points above, you can let your actions speak for themselves. 

In other words, you can use the testimonies of happy customers to promote your product or service.

Customers who haven’t bought from you yet need to imagine what their after-purchase experience will look like. And they want to be sure it’s a positive experience that will help them reach their goals. You can use the testimonies of past customers to do just that.

However, testimonials are more effective if they highlight specific results. For example, testimonies like “good,” or “it worked” aren’t very descriptive. They’re positive, sure...but they don’t really demonstrate how great your product or service is. There isn’t enough detail to go off of, so it’s not as effective or impactful.

Going back to the banana vendor example, imagine you have to pick testimonies to promote on your website. One testimony says, “these bananas were really tasty and I look forward to eating them every day.”

Yes, it’s a favorable review of your business. But it doesn’t describe the underlying benefits of your bananas. It doesn’t touch upon how your bananas helped with employee performance, which led to the consistent growth in revenue every month.

Now, imagine another testimony that says “Purchasing from Top Banana has been the biggest game-changer for my company. After serving my employees bananas, I saw an immediate improvement in their performance within the first month. 

My employees seemed more positive and energetic. We were not only able to create a better working environment. We were able to take our company to the next level and go public by the end of the year. These bananas will change your life!”

This testimony is much better, isn’t it? It’s specific about the banana’s benefits and the time it takes to see results, it talks about real results that any buyer would want for themselves. If it’s between the two testimonies seen above, you should choose this one. 

In short, be selective with your testimonies. Make sure they highlight exactly what you want to emphasize about your business.


The Big Idea Behind Credibility

7 copywriting strategies for building credibility and trust with your dream customers

Good and effective copywriting is the best way to connect with your customers and establish a relationship with them based on trust. 

It’s important to create credibility through copywriting because you need to position your business as a reliable source of information and solutions for your customers. 

If you don’t establish credibility with your audience, they will move onto your competitors, Not only that, your brand may get a negative reputation as being unhelpful and unprofessional. Good and effective copywriting helps you put your brand’s best face forward.

You could compare good copywriting to a confident salesperson. Whether it’s through an ad or an illustrational piece — the main aim is to convince the reader to purchase your product. 

If you can do this creatively and uniquely, you're guaranteed to make a lasting impression that stays true to your brand. 

So now that you’re now well informed on what you need to do, take the steps to get there and make the best out of it.


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About Daniel Doan

Daniel is a proven Neuro-Response copywriter with over a decade of expertise bridging the gap between what your company wants to say and what your customers actually want to read.

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